Pull of the Moon

Canon 60D | f/22 | 4/5 sec. | ISO 100 | 24mm | March 18, 2017, 7:28 pm

Being an introvert, I’m also attracted to isolated locations, and that’s exactly where this shot was taken. Stump Pass Beach State Park is one of the more unique and out-of-the-way parks in Florida, providing some of the most varied driftwood beaches in the state.

This shot was taken on our first trip there, before I had a chance to really explore. I timed my arrival so I’d be walking the beach during the golden hour, but I hadn’t counted on the walk. After coming in the front gates and parking in the small, narrow lot, we discovered that a 10 to 15 minute walk on a sandy beach trail was required to actually get to the beach.

After 15 minutes or so, the path cleared out to a beautiful beach, with driftwood and dead trees as far as the eye could see.

I had so many subjects around me, but after shooting a few frames along the beach, my eyes were drawn to a single dead tree about 10 feet out into the surf. I knew by the level of the tide that it would make a great long-exposure shot, so I setup my tripod and shutter release low to the ground, as I usually like to get lower-perspective shots.

Another view of the beautiful old dead tree.

After setting my aperture to the maximum of f/22, shooting a few test shots, I adjusting the exposure time to produce a smooth image that captured the ebb and flow of the surf in action. I couldn’t believe how well the water was rendered until after I got home and did a bit of post-processing to pull out the movement a little more.

I’ve been back to the beach a couple of more times, and it changes each time I go. I can’t wait to go back and capture more of that magic it always offers!

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